Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sakura Arigato!

My own digital art, "Cherry Blossoms"

I finally had my first experience where a patient recognized a familiar song: Sakura (means Cherry Blossoms) in Japanese. However, the conversation started out very awkward, because I'm still mastering the art of talking and playing at the same time.

An older Japanese guy came by and said "Arigato!" and what did I do? Totally caught off guard, I said "Arigato" back (then realized I probably just repeated what he said, not replied). Worst of all, I did that horrible silly cliché of an Asian bow! I felt like I wanted to run to the nearest wall and throw my head against it repeating "Arigato! Arigato! No, no , no!"

THEN, when he wanted to make sure the name of the song was what I was playing, I said, "Oh yeah, Suo Gan!" (a Welsh lullaby) and then he said "No, Sakura!" and then a repeat of said head-to-wall contact would have been appropriate after that as well. Sakura is one of the first songs I learned. I should know better!

But when one is playing the harp and la-de-dahing away, sometimes language doesn't kick in so well, and then goes the memory...

Best of all, today I got to see an old lady tippy-toe dance past me and flutter her arm-wings as she went by. Probably better to see her doing that, than this guy:


  1. B -
    Congratulations! I wish I could hear Sakura because I am so into cherry blossoms. This venture of yours is awesome, and you DESERVE to be PAID *now*!! I wish you lived near me because I know tons of places that would want you and could pay. Definitely look into the grant idea. Why don't you put on some real feathered angel wings sometime and see how people react?! I know where to get those too (after you get paid). Is there a school for massage therapy near you? We have one and their student clinic offers low-cost massages for those troublesome knots. Keep going, forgive your little foibles. I wish you all the best!!!

  2. Thanks Cheryl! What a great idea about the wings, Halloween is coming up, perhaps I should get some. :)

    I hope to make some recordings of my music soon and post them on my blog. I'll make sure Sakura is on there! I also wanted to contact a local massage therapist and trade services, playing harp live for a session and then receiving a massage myself! Great ideas.

  3. What an amusing day today. Arigato!
