Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring Fling

(Playing at the hospital learning center)

I realize it has been almost a year since my last post, and let's just say I've been under quite the transformation. I realize that it is very important to document my encounters and experiences because I quickly forget about them, and when one needs to reflect on their's easy to just go back and read them!

A couple reasons since it's been so long since my last post is maintaining my own health issues. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I suffer from chronic shoulder/neck pain along with migraines. I am looking into seeing a chiropractor and perhaps a massage therapist. I've had to drastically cut my hours because of not knowing if I can play being in chronic pain. 

I've also been under some intense spiritual transformation as well. We've hit a couple of milestones (12.12.12 and 12.21.12) and now we are looking at the equinox coming up. I am sensing that many of my migraines are due to energy blockages that I have in the back of my neck/shoulders. I do meditations to help move the energy down and ground it into the Earth. It also feels like I'm taking an intensive course on self-love...which is absolutely necessary before I place myself in more harp therapy sessions and give-give-give myself away through music. In fact, it shouldn't be like that anyway, I am learning to work with intention and properly shielding myself before moving farther in this line of work.

I've also reached and finished my volunteer/internship goals for school. I am securing permanent paid harp therapy positions and performing gigs. I'm also looking into getting my own gig harp that fits in my Honda Civic. The above harp is a Blevins harp that belongs to the hospital. I have found it fits me very well. I may sell my small therapy harp, we'll see. 

School news: I hope to finish in June, but putting a deadline on anything right now is practically...laughable. I just do what I can and work with the energetic highs and low's. I have my recordings to finish (need around 30 or more), presentations, creating my portfolio, and then submitting everything. 

Harp therapy experiences: I had the opportunity to play for a lady who was at EOL (end of life) at her home at the request of her daughter. I was surprised by how comfortable I felt, how honoring it was to be there for someone's transition into the next life. I would like to do more of these in the future...

Another experience - was actually something an older gentleman said to me...he jokingly asked me if "I was in tune?" and I don't think he realized how important that question is. I explained to him later, that it was important that I am "in tune" myself before doing this work.

Playing for someone who is in active pain - I was placed in a large, crowded, waiting room right in front of a 40-something woman and her husband. She was in a wheel chair, and was writhing in pain. It seemed so inappropriate for me to play while she was experiencing this pain. She soon asked her husband to wheel her up and down the hallway because my placement in front of her and the music was probably annoying and too painful for her to absorb. I learned from this experience that sometimes music is not best. It just isn't appropriate at certain times. And that's ok.

Coming up: I have secured a couple paid ongoing harp therapy "gigs" at the hospital. I have a hotel gig coming up for a nursing conference. I hope to have more events lined up as Spring blossoms. Hope to have school completed and a degree and certification in my hand by this Summer. I hope to be pain-free or managing my health so that I can dedicate myself to my "work" even more. I also aspire to post more spiritual posts in the future and "speak my truth" as I have mentioned in the past. It feels like it may be time to do this now...

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