In the first video, ignore my dolphin-baby-talk and also the ladies next to me were doing plenty of it in Spanish...but you can hear the dolphin clicking and squeaking and talking to us! The dolphin hung out in this corner for a good hour or so!
In the second video, the dolphin does a unique call to his friends (and even a random dog shows up because he knows somethings up!) and they all swim by to greet me! I almost started to cry because it was so beautiful. After this, I decided to see if this experience was for me and moved slowly down the pier and noticed that they started to follow me. Dolphins love to play and I decided to race them to the other side of the pier and back. We did this around FOUR times! People were staring at me, as if I knew how to do this...but I just went with my instincts. This was simply amazing and was recognition to me of how far I've come on my spiritual journey through life.
I swear they are telepathic because they knew when it was time for me to go, three or four of them slowly swam by me in a group and I felt like they said "bye bye"! And then I didn't see much of them after that. How sweet! Wonder what it would be like if I brought my harp and played for them. Squeak!